Saturday, October 2, 2010

BOOK: The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery

The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery, 264 pages

Colourful Challenge; 4th CBC Challenge

Such a sweet story with a 1980s retro cover that would inspire no one to read it, unless you've been hanging around the internets. I've been reading some recent reviews of and references to The Blue Castle and it inspired me to reread it. (Plus, it finished off the Colourful Challenge for me.) Even though I knew the main twists in the story, my enjoyment could not have been higher. It was fun to read it again, looking for all the clues that were dropped.

The story: Valencey Stirling is a 29 year old, old maid. This was written in 1926 so that was the phrase of the day, and also, it means she has not fulfilled her role in life. Poor Doss, as her family calls her, is put upon and made fun of, while she comments in her head all the things she wishes she could say. When she receives a dire health prognosis, she decides to live like she hasn't been. Her family is mightily confused by her sudden backbone, and she is finally, blissfully happy. There is much more to the story, but if I told more, you might not have the fun of reading it too.

It's a romance, a feel good read, and although it's predictable, it's absolutely wonderful. Many LM fans like The Blue Castle best. Also, it's a musical written by Hank Stinson. If you ever get a chance to see this performed, please do.

 Get a head start on the 4th Canadian Book Challenge:
I picked up a copy (with the equally old fashioned cover) at our local Walmart, because we can do that on Prince Edward Island. Would someone like a copy? I so love this book, I'd like to send it to someone else to share the enjoyment and love of LM Montgomery and Valency Stirling. I'll take requests for a week in the comments (make sure I can contact you somehow) and then draw a name after October 9th..
Good luck!

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